Jennifer Aniston stars in this enjoyable road movie.
David Bruke is a small time dope dealer who ends up in debt to his supplier when a gang steals all his drug money. The supplier offers him a solution - he will forget the debt if David goes to Mexico and brings back a cargo of marijuana for him.
Knowing that he will attract attention as a single man crossing the border back into the USA, David has a brillant idea: he needs a family. He convicies his neighbour, a stripper called Rose (Jennifer Aniston), to pose as his wife. A homeless girl and an abandoned teenager come for the ride as their partend daughter and son.
All they have to do now is rent a camping-car, act like a real family... and avoid the Mexican gansters who chase them back into America.
The ''Millers'' are quite the opposite of the ideal American family, bot they play their parts so well that they start to become one. This could easily turn saccharine, but Sudeikis David is so egoistical there is on danger of the comedy being sabotaged by an excess of Hollywood sentimentality.
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